1 Corinthians 9:19
Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.
Paul's imagery is striking. Though he can claim citizenship, Paul took a lower position in order to win more to Jesus Christ. How do we view ourselves? Do we demand rights? In a day of Christian consumerism where we establish ourselves as connoisseurs of Sunday services, sermons, and worship music, are we willing to give up the right of our preference in order to serve others?
Are we willing to do just that? Are we willing to get out of our comfort zone and do what ever it takes for the cause of Christ? Or do we sit back and mumble and grumble about the way things are done. Do we complain because things are not done the way we think they should be or the way we like it. I have been there and done that. It does not bring glory to God.
I have been a Christian a while. I have not always been obedient and I have not always done what ever it takes. I do not like getting out of my comfort zone. What if Jesus had not wanted to leave His heavenly throne? If not for a certain young woman who means a lot to me, I would still be comfortable in my on little Christian life. She has shown me what it means to be passionate for Chirst for wanting to do more. I thank God for her every day and what He is doing in her life. All it takes is a willing and obedient heart. I am ready to get out of my comfort zone and be obedient to the cause of Christ? Are you?

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