Monday, January 24, 2011

John 3:16

John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, so whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

I am sure at some point in our lives we have all heard, or memorized this verse.  But have you ever really stopped and let it sink in what this verse means.  As I was sitting hear reading God's word this verse came to my mind.  God the creator of the universe loved us so much (not just the white Americans) that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus) that whoever will believe in Him (Jesus, his birth, death and resurrection) should not perish but have everlasting (eternal, live with Him forever) life.  Lets think about this, most people say they believe in God, there are a lot who say they believe in Jesus, but does our lives reflect that belief.  The demons even believe in Jesus and they shudder because they know who He is, the Son of the most High God.  God wants to have an intimate relationship with us and the only way we can have that relationship is through His Son Jesus Christ.   We can't have any unconfessed sin in our lives or the relationship will be broken.  Our lives need to reflect what we say we believe.  We have to follow in the ways of Jesus Christ.
I hear so many people say, I love Jesus, I am a Christian, but then their lives do not reflect that.  When we accept Jesus Christ as our savior our lives are no longer ours to live as we want, we are to follow in Jesus footsteps and live as He lived.  Is it easy, no but it sure is worth it.  When I am walking with Him and following Him in what he wants me to do then and only then do I have joy in my heart.  I want to please Him above all others because He is my Lord and my Savior and He died that I might have everlasting life.
Do You Love Him, let your life reflect it.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year

I have been thinking back on 2010 and realizing how fast the year went and trying to think what all went on.  Lets just say the old memory is not what it use to be.  Things happen everyday of our lives.  Some not worth mentioning, others you just want to keep remembering  Here it is 2011 and 4 days have already come and gone.  I have been writing in a journal each day so far, of the happenings that have gone on, one of which I turned 53.  That is so hard to believe that I have been on this earth for 53 years.  I thank God for each and every day he has given me.  This year I hope and pray that I will walk closer to Him and become more like Jesus in my actions, my thoughts, and just by the way I react to people and to things that happen.
That I will love all people unconditionally.  That I will have the wisdom to do the right thing and to know what that is.  As for the journal I hope I will keep it up and I am also reading through the Bible again this year.  I have done it before and there have been times I did not get it read all the way through.  I hope all will have a great and blessed New Year.

I will leave you with this quote:

"Man cannot find the ultimate explanation of his own being anywhere but in God himself."
Edward Sillem

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10
